Friday, July 20, 2007

Ready or not here he comes!

We had our weekly doctor's appointment yesterday, and Lindsey's blood pressure was a little higher than desired. She is currently at 39 weeks, so the doctor does not want to take any chances. Because of this he is giving her until Sunday morning to go into labor on her own, if she does not then we will head into the hospital and she will be induced. Until then she has been told to lay low and take it easy. Of course for Lindsey that means cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry, and attempting to make some cheesecake. I think I've talked her out of the cheesecake (however I am hesitant to leave the house because she may try again) but I did leave to go have lunch with a friend and when I got back she had been busy. So if you think about it, perhaps give her a call and keep her occupied.

We are excited, there is a slight cause for concern, as there is a potential for toxemia to develop, with her blood pressure elevated etc, but the other signs are not there yet, which is why we are going to have her induced. But by doing this now, hopefully we can avoid having to do a cesarean, which is the step they take if toxemia develops.

More info to come....soon we hope!

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