Tuesday, July 24, 2007

As most of you figured out from the last post, Joey is here. He made his arrival at 10.13pm on July 22. He was 7lbs 12 oz and 21" at birth. Lindsey is doing great, the labor was as smooth as anything called "labor" could be, and she is recovering very well at the moment. Joey is nursing, and seems to really enjoy eating, when he doesn't fall asleep in the middle of it. He is very alert, and does NOT like camera flashes.

I'm sure this is far from the last time I will post about the little guy so stay tuned if you are interested.


Justin, Beccy & Micah said...

just played your video to Micah who squealed at joey. She's obviously very excited as are we. Justin, Beccy, and Micah

WRBA - Class of 96 said...

Congratulations!! He is adorable as can be - he must get his looks from his mom! Enjoy parenthood, it really is amazing and fun.

The Prices said...

Congratulations! Enjoy every second with him, they grow so fast!