Saturday, July 28, 2007

As many of you know I turned 30 this last Tuesday. It was by far the best birthday I have had yet to date, as we got to come home from the hospital. The joy of bringing Joey and Lindsey home healthy was somewhat overwhelming. On top of that the dogs got to meet him and he was very quickly welcomed with loving licks from them. In fact Diesel has taken protection of Joey as his new charge. He rarely lets Denver come close to Joey and when he does allow it he watches him very closely. His guard mentality is even more accentuated than usual, and he is attentive to every noise the boy makes.

Lindsey is doing well. We have made a point of doing little outings every day since she has been out. One of those outings was actually a bit much, as we went to Spokane, WA to pick-up my parents at the airport. The trip itself would not have been bad, but the ensuing trip to baby's r us and Target may have pushed her over the top.

So like I said, my folks are here and will be until next Wednesday. On top of that several of our friends have been making a real effort to help us out during this time. Lindsey's folks arrived today (they are leaving again tomorrow, but will be back next weekend). Hopefully Joey will get to meet Uncle Charlie this week, as he is going to come up here for a couple of days. His aunts Joellen and Bethany are going to come out the end of August.

Sleep has been scattered for Lindsey, I have been doing my best to take Joey on little outings to give Lindsey time to sleep for a few hours during the day. Last night he was only up once at about 3 am, and that was to feed, and he went right back to sleep. All told we (me more than Lindsey of course) are feeling pretty rested compared to what we have been prepared for. But it's just the beginning so we are not getting our hopes up just yet.

Enough babble, here are some of our favorite pics over the last few days.


sara h. said...

congratulations! Babies are so great, enjoy every minute! (even the 3am feedings) ;-)

Fritz said...

I feed myself at 3am every morning...then again at 7am.