Thursday, January 29, 2009

More from the Beav.

We usually take the dogs up there with us, and in between every few runs we ski to the car and let them out to play. These pics are from the end of the day during the last high pressure system we had. Currently we are experiencing a bunch of fresh snow, a welcome change, but I don't think Joe is as into the face shots. Yesterday we went out, and since it was a little colder I may have over bundled him. He got really upset on the chair, and once we were going he was fine, until the snow went over our head on a turn. I think he may have inhaled some, that is a strange feeling and probably is what triggered the final frustration. We went inside, and with the exception of his cheeks he was toasty. In fact he felt almost too warm, pretty sure that was the problem. I know how he feels though, too often i am way too warm rather than cold. Lesson learned.

Joe tells the dogs it's time to go.....amazingly enough they continued digging!

Throwing snow over the ledge!

Snow Sumo

Uneven snow is tough to walk on....but who cares when you have good gear.

Snow in the face is not so cool, but it goes away quickly! Especially when it is 40 degrees F.

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