Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring break for the University was last week. This meant Lindsey took some time off to recuperate, and I took some time off to ski. It did mean we were apart for a short time. Lindsey and Joey flew to Boise to hang with her folks for a couple of days. Diesel and I headed into the Wallowas in Northeast Oregon to do a backcountry ski trip. Denver stayed home with our friend Chambers and took full advantage of sitting on the couch and on Chambers. We were all back together again by Wednesday. I was able to get a bunch of work done on my project at the end of the week, and Lindsey did a lot of things around the house she had been wanting to do. The picks with this post are first of Diesel and I on a ridge called Lookout ridge, just before sunset of our first day, and the second is of Diesel and I on the last day with the Aneroid basin in the background.

The last two pics are of Joey demonstrating the new skills Papa Ken taught him while in Boise.

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