Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Gonna try to catch up a little here with a series of postings. The holidays have finally passed, which doesn't mean we've slowed down, just that it's a way point marking how long it's been since I've updated here.

For Thanksgiving, the five of us (Lindsey, Joey, Diesel, Denver, and myself) drove to Southern California to be with my family for the week. We broke the drive into 3 days, the first day we drove to Boise and stayed withe Lindsey's folks. The second day we drove to San Francisco and stayed with Marty. Jay and his wife Mellisa live in the Bay area as well, so we took an extra day there and ran around the city. It was a lot of fun, we did a trek up to the Muir woods area and got to see some of the coastal redwoods.

Once we got to "So Cal" (please don't say so cal) we finally got to introduce Joey to his Uncle Micheal, and Great Grandma Tiefel and Great Grandpa and Grandma Shirley. In addition he met some other aunts and uncles and cousins of mine. The time with family was great, but extremely hectic. Hopefully in the future we choose to travel at non holiday times. By the time we got home we were all exhausted, and I think in the future we will use those university breaks as a time to recover from the stresses of the semester.

Anyways, this is the first post in a series of catch up...

I've posted some photos from the trip. The two are of Lindsey and Joey. The second is of Joey's first road trip food spill... (I let him try my ice cream sandwich). The last three are from his trip to the Pacific ocean... I have also included some photos of family holding Joey. Uncle Micheal, Great Grandma Tiefel, Great Grandpa Shirley.

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