Thursday, October 11, 2007

I've been told that your kids will teach you a lot of things....well Joey gave me my first of what I am sure is to be many lessons this last weekend. Lindsey, Joey, and I had gone to farmer's market (we left the dogs at home, simply because there are too many people down there with poorly leash trained dogs). Afterwards we decided to stop by our local outdoor retailer (Hyperspud, which is owned by a man originally from Cedar Rapids) to try on kid carrier backpacks. I was pretty sure I knew which one we should get, but I wanted to see how it felt with him in it, and how easy it was to put him in it. There were several color selections to choose from, which I was leaving up to Lindsey to make the call on. We were not planning on buying one that day, simply testing one out, so color didn't matter and I grabbed the first one I could see. I set him in the pack and he made a little fuss...unusual because he is typically pretty easy going. But then the cause of the fuss became clear as he yakked up about 1.5 oz of partially digested leche...of course it was projectile like, so very little got on himself, and most of it on to the pack. So we decided we were going to get one eventually anyways, let's just get the red one, well more like red and creme. So here in lies the lesson, if there is a piece of gear one really wants, forget the "Honey, I could really use this because...." and go with the "Wow this fits really nice, what do you thi..... huuuucgpphhh!!" New skis here I come...just gotta remember to eat easy to clean up foods, thanks for the insight Joey.

To celebrate the new pack Joey, Diesel, Denver, Maci (our friends dog we have been watching for the last week) and I went on a "maiden voyage" up on Moscow Mountain while Lindsey was working today. We got one of those rare fall sunny days, it was BEAUTIFUL out, and I wound up going further than originally planned. But Joey was more than great in fact after the first quarter mile or so he slept the whole way, and the dogs had a blast, that's twice this week they've been up there (we went mountain biking on Tuesday, don't worry grandmas/pas Joey stayed home with mom for that one), and the dogs and I are headed to the Wallowas again this weekend to do some work on the ski huts, so they are in puppy heaven.

So with no further ado, let the cuteness begin.


The Prices said...

So Cute! Hey, we have been researching those backpacks for awhile, to hike in Flagstaff. Which one did you end up with? Are you happy with it? I especially like the sun shade!

Thanks! Amy and AJ :)

Jay Stroud said...

Hey, you guys never mentioned that Joey got to go hiking with Bono! How cool...